PK Kaiser for Arapahoe County Assessor

I am PK Kaiser. I’m committed to making your voice heard in the Arapahoe County government. Like you, I want to play an active role in making our community, city, state and country a safer and better place to raise our children, run our businesses and forge a future filled with promise.

I am out and about, relishing each moment I spend with people every day of my life. From knocking on doors to attending community festivals to speaking at events, neighborhood meetings, and forums, I am happy and excited to be among people, listening to their concerns and ideas for making Arapahoe County a better place to live. I have been moved by the stories I’ve heard. I have heard from many of our county’s citizens, and I believe that all of the concerns I’ve heard are significant and that there is a dire need to address those issues.

My commitment to the people remains unchanged. Year after year and election after election I am there with you, no matter what. My success is in my involvement with all the communities around us. This time, you and I can bridge this gap and win ballots as well as hearts.

What motivates me to run you for Arapahoe County Assessor is the opportunity to improve the efficiency and the accountability of the Assessor’s office. I believe that there are solutions for the issues we are facing today. I feel that I must step forward and offer Arapahoe County’s voters a choice, a better choice. I am a candidate who always likes to have real discussions and who demands real results.

If you share my vision of fair property assessments as well as accountable and transparent county government, then I urge you to connect with me and help make it happen! Together, we can make a meaningful difference for our families, our communities, our state, and our country.

If you want a fair, educated and well-versed assessor for Arapahoe County,